1.Unit Pompa Hydrotest W 300 – 15 EPS “ Pressure pro ” with Elektro Motor
2.Specification :
- Performance : 300 Bar / 4.350 Psi, 15 liters per min
- Power : 11.5 Hp/ 8.5 Kw 380 V @ 1.450 Rpm
- Trailer : Fix Skid " Pressure Pro "
- Eloktor Motor : " Melegari Luigi " 8.5 Kw/ 380 V / 1450 RPM
3. Technical information :
- Pump : Triple water plunger “ HAWK” 1530 Ex Italy
- Valves : Stainless steel
- Plunger : Stainless steel with ceramic coating
Email : antonsolusijaya@gmail.com